Something Corrie Ten Boom said in a book (I think it was The Hiding Place), recently came to mind in a conversation. I can't quote it exactly but the jest of it was to not hold things too tightly for God will take them away. I had a very strong attachment to one of my kitties. A silver gray male who was approximately 13 yrs old. Like a dog, he followed me everywere. He was always underfoot, making his presence known. I've never known a sweeter kitty. Thankfully I applied Corrie's philosophy, for I knew it to be true. Last winter I was blessed with the privelege of holding him in my arms until he passed away. Something I normally wouldn't have time to do but I had just had surgery on my foot. How grateful I am for the years I had with him, and for the time spent while he passed. I am even more grateful for that truth which made his passing much easier because I had already given him to God many years before. The loss of something or someone we love should cause us to reach out in trust to God and to draw closer to Him.
I wish it were as easy for me with illness. Just when I think I have succceded in giving my health problem to God -- trusting Him with the results, it seems the problem increases or more problems develop. It is another rung on the ladder, a deeper degree of learning to trust Him. Whether it the surrender of a day (or week's)work to a migraine or one's entire support and well-being to an chronic all-consuming illness, God is faithful and can be trusted. Why? Because the goal is His glory. Yet, sometimes the hardest thing to do is to surrender our goals, our desires for His. But, that is what is required. I'm His bond servant, purchased by the blood of Christ. My service is to do His will, not mine. If that service entails a life of handicaps and illness then I must find a way to use them to glorify Him.
Like my sweet kitty, my health is an earthly thing, it is temporal and carnal, it is a gift, it is something that passes away. It can allow it to come between my love for God or I can use it as a tool to draw me closer to Him and bring more glory to Him.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
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I just found your blog from an update on Steve Saint that quoted Martha Snell Nicholson. I thank you for your perspective and quotes. They are very edifying at this point in my life. And very convicting as I look at my failures recently.
Thank you for your honesty, encouragement and wisdom.
Thank you also for the laugh as I scrolled down the page and saw the line that said, "Please prove you're not a robot" Some days I'm not so certain I'm NOT a robot, but I'll try to prove it.
I'm praying for God's blessings on you, your family, and your life.
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