Friday, August 29, 2008

Sign the Petition to Free Pastor Bike & His Wife

Today, as I checked my computer, I learned that more than 52,265 people have signed the petition to help free Pastor Bike. Yesterday I sat and watched the tallies and every 15 minutes approximately 350 people signed. That is encouraging! Still, many more signatures are needed to help this dedicated and courageous servant of the Lord. Please go to and sign your name to help set Pastor Bike and his wife free.

On Aug. 6, Pastor Zhang “Bike” Mingxuan was arrested while trying to deliver medicine to his ailing wife. His wife and another pastor were also arrested. In response to these arrests, The Voice of the Martyrs and China Aid Association launched a petition drive to free these three Christians and to let the Chinese government know that the world is aware that these Christians are being detained.

Pastor Bike is known for traveling across China on a bicycle to evangelize. He has traveled more than 10,000 miles on his bicycle, visiting 24 Chinese provinces to introduce nonbelievers to Jesus Christ. Armed with a Bible and his business card, which declared “Believe in Jesus, Be Granted Eternal Life,” Pastor Bike brought the gospel to thousands of people. The pastor voluntarily preaches the gospel openly in China despite being persecuted. He and other Chinese evangelists have been repeatedly harassed by Chinese officials during this Olympic year.

Please pray for the release of Pastor Bike and his wife.

Read more about Pastor Bike here: