Friday, October 31, 2008

Smokey & Stella

Sorry I haven't posted. Perhaps, writing regularly in a blog is not a priority because I always seem to have something else that needs to be tended to more.

However, I realized that I needed to carve out time to add pictures of the two latest additions to our family - Smokey the stallion (black) and Stella the mare. Both are quarter horses.

These pictures are what they looked like the day we bought them. Smokey especially has put on weight since then.

The pictures actually don't do either of them justice. I think they both look much better in real life. Neither Smokey nor Stella have been broken to ride so I definitely have my work cut out for me. They are both very gentle and good natured for young animals. Smokey is 8 and Stella is 3.
My husband very graciously bought these horses for me because I made the statement (in jest of course), "If we wait much longer to get horses, I will be too old to ride." He gave them hoping to give me pleasure. God, I think had a much different idea in mind - possibly discipline and faith. I'm sure He intends to accomplish much more through the experience, in all of which I hope I will glorify Him and grow to be more like Christ.